Don’t send a card, send a memory

Welcome to Pretty Penny Designs, Pet Loss Cards Page

Thank you for visiting Pretty Penny Designs' creations! Each card is hand made with care and comes with a matching envelope in a crystal clear, resealable bag. Simply choose the cards you want from the drop down menu below. If you don't see exactly what you're looking for, please contact me and I will be happy to create cards for you. Don't just send a card, send a memory!

Hover on each card to see a larger image.

Selected Cards
  • Pretty Penny Designs, Blue Bone Pet LossPretty Penny Designs, Blue Bone Pet LossBlue Bone Pet Loss 5.5" x 4.25" This card with paw print background, a bone and heart expresses your sympathy to someone who has lost a special friend. Inside greeting: With sympathy in the loss of your pet. $4.00 each
  • Pretty Penny Designs, Pink Bone Pet LossPretty Penny Designs, Pink Bone Pet LossPink Bone Pet Loss 5.5" x 4.25" This card with paw print background, a bone and heart expresses your sympathy to someone who has lost a special friend. Inside greeting: With sympathy in the loss of your pet. $4.00 each
  • Pretty Penny Designs, Cat Pet LossPretty Penny Designs, Cat Pet LossCat Pet Loss 5.5"" x 4.25" This card features a silhouette of a cat with a rainbow ribbon accent. Inside greeting: With sympathy in the loss of your pet. $4.00 each
  • Pretty Penny Designs, Rainbow Pet LossPretty Penny Designs, Rainbow Pet LossRainbow Pet Loss 7" x 5" This card with fading paw prints features a comforting verse for someone who has lost a special friend. Inside greeting: With sympathy in the loss of your pet. $4.75 each
  • Pretty Penny Designs, Cat SympathyPretty Penny Designs, Cat SympathyCat Sympathy 5.5" x 4" This cat in the window with dimensional flowers is a simple, yet thoughtful way to express your sympathy. Blank inside. $4.00 each
  • Pretty Penny Designs, Paw SympathyPretty Penny Designs, Paw SympathyPaw Sympathy 7" x 5" Our pets leave pawprints on our heart. This elegant card is a thoughtful expression of sympathy for the loss of any pet. Blank inside. $4.75 each
  • Pretty Penny Designs, Pet Loss FLPretty Penny Designs, Pet Loss FLPet Loss FL 5.5" x 4" This embossed floral background surrounds an empty pet bed, done with color pencil. Blank inside. $3.50 each
  • Pretty Penny Designs, Pet Loss CHPretty Penny Designs, Pet Loss FHPet Loss CH 5.5" x 4" This pet bed is surrounded by embossed dogs and paw prints softly colored with chalk. Blank inside. $3.50 each
  • Pretty Penny Designs, Pet Loss Pretty Penny Designs, Pet Loss
    Pet Loss 5.5" x 4" This heartfelt greeting has embossed dogs and paw prints. Blank inside. $3.50 each
  • Pretty Penny Designs, Pet Loss Pretty Penny Designs, Pet Loss
    Ribbon Sympathy 5" x 7" This card features a silhouette of a dog and ribbon accents. Inside: With sympathy on the loss of your beloved friend. $4.75 each

Because of the uniqueness of Pretty Penny Designs, we can only show you examples of the type of cards available for order. You may choose any design you like; but because this is art, your cards will be one-of-a-kind creations, and although similar, will not be exactly the same as another.

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