Don’t send a card, send a memory

Welcome to Pretty Penny Designs, Birthday Card Page

Thank you for visiting Pretty Penny Designs' creations! Each card is hand made with care and comes with a matching envelope in a crystal clear, resealable bag. Simply choose the cards you want from the drop down menu below.. If you don't see exactly what you're looking for, please contact me and I will be happy to create cards for you. Don't just send a card, send a memory!

Our Floral Collection features hand-drawn flowers by Timothy Glass. We've designed these cards for you to use for any occasion. The cards shown are simply examples.

If you would prefer a card to say something different than shown, for example, Happy Birthday rather than Get Well Soon, simply use the PayPal note to seller box or contact me to let me know your choice. Want a beautiful note card without anytthing other than the illustration? We can do that as well.

Hover on each card to see a larger image. .

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  • Pretty Penny Designs Rose Note CardPretty Penny Designs Rose Note Card CardRose Note Card 5.5" x 4.25" This hand-drawn rose by artist Timothy Glass features a red ribbon, matching red background and sentiment of your choice. Blank inside. $4.00 each
  • Pretty Penny Designs Gladiola Note CardPretty Penny Designs Gladiola Note CardGladiola Note Card 5.5" x 4.25" This hand-drawn gladiola by artist Timothy Glass features a double purple border, a butterfly with pearl accent and sentiment of your choice. Blank inside. $4.00 each
  • Pretty Penny Designs Hibiscus Note CardPretty Penny Designs Hibiscus Note CardHibiscus Note Card 5.5" x 4.25" This hand-drawn hibiscus by artist Timothy Glass features a pink gingham check mat, burgundy frame and sentiment of your choice. Blank inside. $4.00 each
  • Pretty Penny Designs Pansy Note CardPretty Penny Designs Pansy Note CardPansy Note Card 5.5" x 4.25" This hand-drawn pansy by artist Timothy Glass features a sheer lavender ribbon, matching purple background and sentiment of your choice. Blank inside.. $4.00 each
  • Pretty Penny Designs Floral Note Card SetPretty Penny Designs Floral Note Card SetFloral Note Card Set 5.5" x 4.25" This set of four note cards includes one of each fkower. No sentiment on the front unless requested. Blank inside. $15.00 each

Because of the uniqueness of Pretty Penny Designs, we can only show you examples of the type of cards available for order. You may choose any design you like; but because this is art, your cards will be one-of-a-kind creations, and although similar, will not be exactly the same as another.

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