If you would like to include a greeting on the inside of your Father's Day card, here are some you may choose from. Please be sure to include the verse number with the card name when ordering. If you would like us to include your own greeting, include the text with your card order.
It's Father's Day
and one thing rings true;
You're my best friend
and a great dad, too,
I love you
Happy Father's Day
A special generosity
and always affection, too,
A father means so many things
When he's a man like you.
Happy Father’s Day
Dad, you are so very special
I just have this to say,
how much I really love you
and appreciate you everyday.
For a Grandfather
Because you’re special,
Grandfather, and it's such
a special day, this is
bringing warmest wishes
and special thoughts your way.
Have A Very Happy Father's Day
For a Wife to Give
Love is not as simple
as candlelight and roses.
Love is day-to-day living,
taking time, making time
to be there with open arms
and a giving heart. Love is
the special life we share.
Happy Father's Day
For Anyone to Give
Because you're someone special
Who's a pleasure to know,
This Father's Day wish
Brings a warm "Hello!"
This special greeting is sent
your way when Father's Day
is here, but the wish it
brings for happiness is
meant to last all year.
Happy Father's Day
A man is loved not for how
tall he stands, but for how
often he bends to help,
comfort, and teach.
Happy Father's Day
Your life has made such a
wonderful difference in mine!
Happy Father's Day