Don’t send a card, send a memory

Welcome to Pretty Penny Designs, Birthday Card Page

Thank you for visiting Pretty Penny Designs' creations! Each card is hand made with care and comes with a matching envelope in a crystal clear, resealable bag. Simply choose the cards you want from the drop down menu below.. If you don't see exactly what you're looking for, please contact me and I will be happy to create cards for you. Don't just send a card, send a memory!

Hover on each card to see a larger image. Use the pink arrow at the bottom of each page to go back and forth between pages.

Pick Your Cards below
  • Pretty Penny Designs Rose Border BirthdayPretty Penny Designs Rose Border Birthday CardRose Border Birthday 7"' x 5" This beautiful card features an elegant rose cut border and dimensional butterflies. Blank inside. $4.75 each
  • Pretty Penny Designs Vintage Birthday CardPretty Penny Designs Vintage Birthday CardVintage Birthday 7"' x 5" This beautiful card features layers of vintage paper and may be personalized with the recipient's name. Blank inside. $4.75 each
  • Pretty Penny Designs Cat Birthday CardPretty Penny Designs Cat Birthday CardCat Birthday 5.5"' x 4" This brightly colored card features a cat silhouette in a heart and paw prints. Blank inside. $3.50 each
  • Pretty Penny Designs Dog Birthday CardPretty Penny Designs Dog Birthday CardDog Birthday 5.5"' x 4" This brightly colored card features a dog silhouette in a heart and paw prints. Blank inside. $3.50 each
  • Pretty Penny Designs Birthday CardPretty Penny Designs Birthday Card
    Blue Birthday 5" x 7" This embossed blue background with a dimensional white flower accent makes a pretty birthday wish. Blank inside. $4.00 each
  • Pretty Penny Designs Birthday CardPretty Penny Designs Birthday Card
    From the Dogs 5"' x 6.5" This bright greeting is embossed with dogs and paw prints then colored with chalk. $3.75 each
  • Pretty Penny Designs Birthday CardPretty Penny Designs Birthday CardRed Beagle 4" x 5.5" This puppy on a background of stars is a cute way to say Happy Birthday. Also, customizable to anyone special; mom, grandma, or a special friend. Blank inside. $3.00 each
  • Pretty Penny Designs Denim Birthday CardPretty Penny Designs Denim Birthday CardDenim BD 5"' x 7" This denim look card offers a pocketful of bright birthday wishes. Blank inside. $3.75 each
  • Pretty Penny Designs Pink Dot Birthday CardPretty Penny Designs Pink Dot Birthday CardPink Dot 4.25" x 5.5" This bright card features layers of color and texture, finished with flowers and ribbon. Blank inside. $3.75 each
  • Pretty Penny Designs Nature Birthday CardPretty Penny Designs Nature Birthday CardNature Birthday 5"' x 7" This card features dimensional nature elements on die cut background with a customized, printed birthday greeting. Blank inside. $4.75 each

Because of the uniqueness of Pretty Penny Designs, we can only show you examples of the type of cards available for order. You may choose any design you like; but because this is art, your cards will be one-of-a-kind creations, and although similar, will not be exactly the same as another.

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